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輕健行 Little Hikes


[中文] 健行是一項適合每個人的運動,不僅可幫助維持良好的體態,還能讓我們探索城市的環境。健行還可鍛鍊心肺功能,培養身心平衡。台北市區內有許多有趣的地方,我們可帶您的孩子前往探索。 我們推薦以下這些美麗且容易的地方: 軍艦岩、老地方關機平台、擎天崗大草原、寶藏巖、四獸山等.... *軍艦岩因山嶺上突起的巨岩像是航海軍艦而得名,有特殊的地理造型與自然環境,是很好的攀岩練習與輕健行地點,頂峰還可一覽士林到北投一帶的風景。 *老地方關機平台入口位於捷運劍潭站附近,方便前往。登上頂峰只需約30分鐘,在山頂可以看飛機,以及士林到觀音山一代風景。 *擎天崗大草原位於陽明山上,在一望無際的草原上,可一覽群山,還可看到水牛。草原地勢平緩,很適合孩子踏青郊遊,享受大自然的擁抱。 *位於熱鬧的公館附近的寶藏巖聚落及藝術村,是一個獨特的文化和歷史遺址。孩子們將在這裡探索迷宮般的小巷、色彩繽紛的壁畫和永續建築。 *位於信義區的虎山、象山、豹山、獅山,合稱「四獸山」,是適合孩子做輕健行的好去處,在其中幾座山上可欣賞台北101的建築,沿途還可欣賞美麗的風景。 ——————費用—————— 僅收取服務費 (依時間長度 & 孩子人數而定)。 —————————————— [English] Hiking is a good sport easily accessible for everybody, it's great to stay in good shape and allows us to discover our city's environment. Hiking may help exercising cardiopulmonary function and cultivate physical and mental balance. There are several interesting sites we can bring your children to, within or surrounding the city. We recommend these the following easy and beautiful places: Laodifang, Qingtiangang grassland, Battleship rocks, Treasure hill, "Four Beast Mountains", etc. *Battleship Rock is located in the North of Taipei, near Shipai MRT, named after the huge rock which looks like a naval vessel. The special geographical shape and natural environment make it a good place for rock climbing practice and hiking. From the top, you can have a sweeping view of the scenery from Shilin to Beitou. *Laodifang is located near the MRT Jiantan Station, which is easily accessible. It only takes about 30 minutes to climb to the top, children can see airplanes there and the city landscape from Shilin to Guanyin mountain. *Qingtiangang Grassland is located on Yangming Mountain. We can see the mountains at a glance and also buffaloes. The grassland has a gentle terrain, suitable for children to go on an outing and enjoy the embrace of nature. *Treasure Hill Village is near Gongguan MRT, it's a unique cultural and historical site. Children will discover the maze-like alleyways, colorful murals, and sustainable architecture here. *The "Four Beast Mountains" located in east of Xinyi District. It's the collective name of four mountains: Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Lion Mountains, great places for children to do little hike. They can see the Taipei 101 from some of the mountains and also beautiful scenery along the way. ——————PRICE—————— Just our service fee, which depends on the duration & number of kids ———————————————


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