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參觀自來水博物館 Museum of Drinking Water


[中文] 自來水博物館位於公館,建於1908年,最初是一個抽水站,1993年起被列為三級古蹟。孩子可看到日據時期開始建立的水源地唧筒室,並認識早期台北飲用水源的開發輸送歷史、水源取得的過程,珍惜水資源。 除參觀古蹟,園區內還有受大家喜愛的小型水上樂園,我們可以帶您的孩子參觀博物館,並帶他們去玩水。如時間充足,還可帶他們去附近的生態步道輕健行,或是去河岸廣場騎腳踏車,玩一些戶外遊戲。 開放時間 每週一休園,如為連續假日則照常營業 7月、8月 09:00-18:00 其他時間 09:00-17:00 ——————費用—————— 服務費依時間長度 & 孩子人數而定 + 門票費:孩子[25-40]元,陪玩老師: [50-80]元。 —————————————— *體驗活動的費用不是由我們決定,我們只是根據它們的網站資訊提供估算。 [English] The Museum of Drinking Water is located in Gongguan, it was originally built in 1908 as a water pumping station and declared a third-class historic site in 1993. There you can see the pump room of the water source built at the Japanese occupation period. Children can learn about the early history of the development and transportation of Taipei's drinking water sources, knowing the process of obtaining drinking water and learn to cherish it's value. In addition to historical sites, the museum has also a popular small water park. We can take your children to visit the museum and play in the water park. If have enough time, we can also take them for a little hike at the nearby ecological trail, or go biking at the Riverbank Plaza and play some outdoor games. Opening hours Closed on Mondays, except holidays July & August 09:00-18:00 Other months 09:00-17:00 ——————PRICE—————— Our service fee depending on the duration & number of kids + entrance ticket fees: kid NT$[25-40], our guide: NT$ [50-80]. ——————————————— *The activity fees do not depend on us, we just give you an estimation based on their websites.


要取消或重新安排您的預訂,請至少提前24小時與我們聯絡。To cancel or reschedule your booking contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

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