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  • 我的孩子會有同伴嗎?每場活動有幾名孩童參加?
    我們是專門陪伴小孩,帶領他們參加有趣活動的陪玩團隊。我們通常不會負責舉辦活動。我們並沒有制式的活動時程安排,我們提供專屬客製化的服務。您才是做決定的人,由您來決定想讓小孩參加的活動,時間跟日期。也因此,您報名的孩子們會是活動的唯一參加者, 而這完全不是問題,因為我們不需要衝報名人數,只有一個小孩一樣成行。 為了安全與服務品質的因素考量,這些活動的參與名額都非常稀少,通常一個活動最多會帶五個小朋友參加,有些活動甚至更少。如果超過三個小孩報名同一個活動, 我們就會派出兩位陪玩!
  • 只能選擇本網站提出的活動嗎?
  • 如何安排孩童接送服務?
    我們提供孩童接送服務,省去您奔波的時間。您只需告知我們接送的時間、地址,我們便會於指定時間前往接送孩童。請務必提供正確的接送資訊,若上述資料有誤,導致服務不周,本公司概不負責。 我們僅提供大眾運輸接送服務。接送費已包含於活動費用之中;假如您的孩子想自行使用悠遊卡,我們也竭誠歡迎。 我們的陪玩將依據每位家長預訂的活動、接送資訊,安排每位孩童的接送順序,故您的孩子可能會花一點時間與我們的陪玩一同接送另一名同伴。 活動預訂成功後,我們會檢視每一位孩童的接送資訊,若同一時段兩名孩童的接送地點相距甚遠,我們可能會指派另一名陪玩前往接送,倘若無法派人接送,請恕我們取消該次活動。
  • 我住很遠 / 我很晚下班。何時較有可能提供接送服務?
    我們僅提供市區接送服務。若活動於台北市進行,我們提供台北市或新北市(限捷運站步行十分鐘左右內)的接送服務。 凡接送時地在「合理範圍」內,我們皆受理服務。合理範圍係指活動實際開始的前後一小時。若有任何問題,請不吝與我們聯絡,我們將為您提供最佳方案。
  • 如何付款?
    現金支付:請將費用直接交給前來接送的陪玩,請勿交由孩童付款。 銀行轉帳:銀行帳號將於您預訂活動時提供。 ATM無卡存款:銀行帳號將於您預訂活動時提供。
  • 我的孩子只會說一點點英語 / 法語 / 台語,假如活動非以中文進行,有無語言門檻限制?
  • 安全嗎?
    我們跟您一樣重視孩子的安全!為避免意外發生,我們盡可能採取各項防範措施,並能及時解決問題。以下是我們確保孩童安全的一些應對方式: 我們慎選陪玩:每位陪玩皆有照顧孩童的經驗,負責任、親切、可靠,無犯罪紀錄。(我們可以提供其身份證和犯罪記錄) 嚴選活動場所:每個活動空間皆遵守政府法規,符合安全規範。 完善的教育訓練:每位陪玩都具備危機處理知識,確保活動安全進行。 孩童安全指南:詳列每場次孩童家長(監護人)的聯絡方式、附近警察局與醫院地址、同時段附近陪玩的手機號碼(提供就近支援),以利陪玩掌握每位孩童安全。 ...等等。 要查看我們對安全所做的一切,請轉到我們的專用頁面安全。
  • Will my kids be with other kids? How many kids are there per activity?
    See us more as a team of guides who accompany YOUR kids to attend interesting activities rather than an activity organiser. We don't have a calendar of activites, YOU choose the activity you prefer, the date, time, etc. So the kids that you register will be the only ones attending. And having just 1 kid is not a problem! In any case, to keep a high level of safety and quality of the service, the number of kids per activity is limited to a small number. There will be a maximum of 5 kids per activity or less for some activities. If there are more than 3 kids we might also send 2 guides instead of 1.
  • Do you only do the activities showed on the website?
    No, for a similar price we can bring your kids do any activity that you might want to propose (we reserve the right to refuse, especially for safety reasons). And we will progressively add more activities, stay tuned!
  • How do you arrange pick-up and drop-off the children?
    This is part of our service and we want to make it easy and convenient for you. Just provide in the booking-form the exact time and location for pick-up and drop-off of all children you registered. Our guides will take care of it. We take responsibility and will be punctual for picking-up and dropping-off your child. Note that we won’t take responsability for wrong or unprecise times and locations. We only use public transportation for pick-up / drop-off. It’s included in our prices however if your kid has an Easypass that can make the process smoother and faster, thank you. Depending on who booked the activity and each kid’s details for pick-up/drop-off, our guide will arrange the order of different pick-up/drop-off so note that your kid might have to spend a bit of time in transportation with our guide before and after the activity. When bookings are made we check that the different pick-up times and locations of different kids are compatible. In case they are not compatible (for example similar time for places that are far from each other) then we will either send another guide or communicate with the client who just made the booking to find a solution or cancel this booking if no solution can be found.
  • I live far away/I work until late/etc. What are possible pick-up and drop-off places and times?
    We accept most pick-up and drop-off locations. For activities that are in Taipei, we accept any pick-up and drop-off location that is either in Taipei, or in New Taipei city maximum 10 minutes walking from an MRT station. We accept any “reasonable” pick-up and drop-off times. By reasonable we mean not much more than 1 or 2 hours before and after the actual activity time. Just ask what is best for you and we will contact you if there is a problem.
  • How do I pay?
    By cash: please give the cash directly to our guide if you are here during the pick-up or drop-off. Do not give the money to your child. By bank transfer: our banking details will be provide upon booking. By ATM deposit: our banking details will be provide upon booking.
  • My child can only speak a little bit English/French/Taiwanese/etc. If the activity is not in Mandarin Chinese, what is the required level?
    A low level is okay, all our guides speak Mandarin Chinese so we will always be able to communicate with your kid. Note however that we recommend a basic conversational level.
  • Is it safe?
    Glad you ask, safety is our main concern. We take as many precautions as we can to avoid any problem to occur and to react efficiently should a problem occur. Here are some examples of what we concretely do ensure the safety of your children: We chose carefully our guides: they have experience with children, empty criminal record, responsible and trustworthy, etc. We can provide their IDs and criminal-records if you wish so. We choose carefully the places we bring the kids to: all places we go to are accredited to receive public and follow government regulations in terms of safety measures Training of our guides: they are briefed to know what do in case anything happens, while maintaining the safety or the other members of the group Safety sheets: for each activity the guide has a sheet with contact details of all kid’s parents or responsible person + closest police stations and hospital + closest other guides in case back-up is needed. ... etc. To check everything we do about safety please go to our dedicated page Safety.


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