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參觀故宮博物院 National Palace Museum


[中文] 我們的陪玩哥哥姊姊會帶著您的孩子一同探索國立故宮博物院無盡的寶藏,參觀博物館時間約為一個多小時;接著我們會前往旁邊的至善園,享受優美風景。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [English] Our guide will lead your kid during a bit more than an hour to explore the treasures of the National Palace Museum, and then take a well-deserved rest in the beautiful Zhishan Garden.

詳細&預訂 Details & Bookings


或是加入我們的LINE(以下QR code)Or add our LINE account(QR code hereunder) Center for Innovation Taipei, Yumen Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan


要取消或重新安排您的預訂,請至少提前24小時與我們聯絡。To cancel or reschedule your booking contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

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