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逛動物園 Visit of Taipei Zoo


[中文] 在寬敞的台北市立動物園中,我們將帶著孩子一起觀察各種動物、拍照、聊天、吃點心。 我們也會根據每位孩童的喜好,安排不同的參觀路線,例如:企鵝館、熊貓館、可愛動物區、鳥園等。 如果那天下雨,我們將參觀眾多室內館中的一些主題館: *昆蟲館 *企鵝館 *無尾熊館 *兩棲爬蟲動物館 *熱帶雨林室內館 (穿山甲館) *新光特展館 (大貓熊館) 開放時間 週一~週五 09:00-17:00,各主題館每月有一個週一不開放。 7-8月每週六:09:00-21:00 ——————費用—————— 服務費依時間長度 & 孩子人數而定 (建議至少4小時) + 門票費: 孩子 50元,陪玩老師 100元,5歲以下免費。 —————————————— *體驗活動的費用不是由我們決定,我們只是根據它們的網站資訊提供估算。 [English] The zoo is huge, we will taking children observing the animals, taking pictures, talking and eating some snacks. Depending on the children's preferences we will go to different display areas like the Penguin House, the Panda House, the Children's Zoo, the Bird World, etc. If it rains that day, we will visit some of the many indoor pavilions: *Insectarium *Penguin House *Koala House *Amphibian and Reptile House *Tropical Rainforest Area (Pangolin Dome) *Giant Panda House Opening hours Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, the theme pavilians are closed on different Mondays. Every Saturday in July&August 09:00-21:00 ——————PRICE—————— Our service fee depending on the duration & number of kids (we advice at least 4h of service) + entrance ticket fees: kid NT$ 50, our guide: NT$ 100, free for under 5yo. ——————————————— *The activity fees do not depend on us, we just give you an estimation based on their websites.


要取消或重新安排您的預訂,請至少提前24小時與我們聯絡。To cancel or reschedule your booking contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

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