公園玩耍 Go play games in a park
[中文] 我們會帶孩子到大安森林公園,或其他交通方便、適合辦活動的大型公園裡玩耍。我們會視小朋友的心情與喜好陪伴他們玩遊戲與各式運動,例如:踢足球、玩軟式飛盤、軟式迴旋鏢、風箏、棋盤遊戲、紙牌遊戲等。 請留意,若天候不佳,我們將取消此活動,您可選擇參加其他活動。 ——————費用—————— 僅收取按您選擇的服務時數 & 孩子人數的基本服務費 —————————————— [English] We will go to either Da'an Park or another big park conveniently located regarding the participants. We will play various games and activities like football, soft-frisbee and soft-boomerang, kite, boards games etc., depending on the mood of the children. Note that for this activity will be cancelled if the weather is not appropriate. In this case, we will propose you an alternative activity. ——————PRICE—————— Just our service fee, which depends on the duration & number of kids. ———————————————
要取消或重新安排您的預訂,請至少提前24小時與我們聯絡。To cancel or reschedule your booking contact us at least 24 hours in advance.